JMAN Group Becomes the First Data Specialist to Be Named Advisor on a Private Equity Exit in the UK

JMAN’s support proved essential during the acquisition of Dains Accountants and advisers by IK Partners from Horizon Capital.

JMAN Group has made history by becoming the first data specialist to be recognized as a key advisor on a major UK private equity exit. This landmark achievement underscores the critical role of data-driven insights in maximizing value creation and streamlining the exit process.

In a successful collaboration with Dains Accountants and Advisors, JMAN provided crucial data support during its acquisition by IK Partners from Horizon Capital. By developing a bespoke data platform that integrated information from multiple sources, JMAN empowered Dains and Horizon Capital to present a compelling investment story and achieve a highly successful outcome.

Read the full report in Fintech BoostUP to learn:

  • Why robust and insightful data is essential for successful private equity exits.
  • How combining data from various sources provides a holistic view of the business, enabling accurate valuations and informed decision-making.
  • By presenting a clear and compelling data-driven narrative, how companies can maximize their value and attract the most competitive offers.

Click here to read the full article on Fintech BoostUP and learn more about how JMAN Group is transforming the private equity landscape.

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Prep for Exit

Maximize valuation and de-risk transaction with robust, extensive and high-quality data
  • Does the target have the data assets required to drive value creation (including Al deployment)?
  • How do I get better data on my target and the wider market?

Value Creation

Accelerate value creation plan delivery using Data, Machine Learning & Gen Al
  • How do I use a data-driven approach to make my business more profitable?
  • How do I achieve as high a multiple as possible ?

Core Reporting

Track company performance and quantify value creation leavers with accurate real time data from automated systems
  • How can I get a real-time, detailed and consistent... view of my operational and financial metrics?
  • What is happening in our portfolio companies and across our fund?

Data Advisory

Balance short-term extraction of value from data with laying the right digital foundations.
  • How do I assess the maturity of my data foundations and value creation plan levers ?
  • How can I collaboratively create and deploy a roadmap of value-first initiatives that pay for future foundational investments?

Due Diligence

Understand target's market position and ability to execute their business plan
  • Does the target have the data assets required to drive value creation Including Al deployment ?
  • How do I get better data on my target and the wider market?